My Journal
Follow along with my journey as a software engineer.
I am a AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification
23 December 2021
I am a certified Professional Scrum Master
29 Sept 2021
My first NPM Package
27th November 2020
I published my first NPM package! It is a create-react-app
template with a pre-configured app skeleton and a handful of quality-of-life libraries pre-configured like Redux toolkit, TypeScript, Ant Design and thus LESS, routing, etc.
Try it with create-react-app my-app --template cra-template-xz
First Open source contribution
2nd August 2020
I was browsing some design documentation from before I noticed some of their documentation were not translated from Chinese. And that is the story of how I made my first PR to an open source project. The translations were merged on August 2nd.
Ending my internship at Staizen
31 July 2020
Yesterday was my last day at Staizen. As a front end engineer for almost 3 months, working on StencilJS based design system and other front end projects, I felt that I've grown a lot as a software engineer and colleague. Check out my blog post below.