Links since last time - 16 April 2020

It was a hectic school semester. Hope everyone is staying at home, staying safe and far away from other people. The only way we can beat this pandemic is to be together, apart. And now, back to the reading sources.

Links since last time - 16 April 2020

It was a hectic school semester. Hope everyone is staying at home, staying safe and far away from other people. The only way we can beat this pandemic is to be together, apart. And now, back to the reading sources. Btw, this post will be a little heavy with git related materials from all my reading, so brace for that.

Tips for Onboarding a Junior Developer

Onboarding a junior developer to your team? Here’s 12 tips.
Practical tips (and some feelings) about helping junior developers early on, based on personal experience.
I would like to bring up a few points from this post.

Distinguish between opinions and best practices. This issue surfaces too frequently when working with other students. Since education institutions only teach programming at a very surface level, a lot of students do not understand the concept of best practices and often prefer the quick and messy way of writing spaghetti code.

Dedicate time early on for Git commands. I cannot stress this enough, too many students are unaware of even the most basic Git usages because "the school didn't teach". Others understand but refuse to follow good practices for some reason despite multiple reminders and nagging.

Provide regular feedback. While I was working as a junior developer back in 2017, I was glad that my front-end tech lead often point out my mistakes and places to improve. This often comes when during a pull request. As developers in general, we have to be open to different opinions while understanding best practices and follow a standard development standard and style within the team.

Micro Front-end
We know and read about microservices. Now apply all of those concepts to front-end development.

Remote working tips from Atlassian

Working from home: 6 tips and a few surprises
Our collective WFH muscles got a major workout during the gap between moving out of one office and into another.
5 tips for ramping up on remote work in a hurry - Work Life by Atlassian
How to regain your team’s regularly-scheduled productivity in record time.
Working from home with kids, a survival guide - Work Life by Atlassian
School may be closed, but this ain’t no vacation. Here’s my tried-and-true game plan for staying productive (mostly).

Here comes the git materials

Git Cheat Sheet

Git cheat sheet | Atlassian Git Tutorial
Git cheat sheet that serves as a quick reference for basic Git commands to help you learn Git. Git branches, remote repositories, undoing changes, and more

You might not be using the Git command line, but knowing some basic git commands can help. You can write simple scripts or flex to your classmates with the command line. Personally, the only git commands I use frequently in school are git reflog to revert any accidental oopsies and git blame to see who broke the build and why.

Using Branches in Git
This post from 10 years ago is still extremely relevant today. Driessen wrote about how to use git branches, how to keep them updated and how to let them work together with their respective tasks. I wrote another short post on this blog last week, so check it out too.

How to use Git branches for collaboration
This is a guide for learning how to use Git in a responsible way with multiple users. It will show how having different branches can help to simplify merge conflicts.
My post on git branches

Visualizing Git Commands

🌳🚀 CS Visualized: Useful Git Commands
Although Git is a very powerful tool, I think most people would agree when I say it can also be... a...

Hallie has a lot of other cool visuals on topics like JavaScript Hoisting. In this post, she used cool visuals to explain

  • merge
  • rebase
  • reset
  • revert
  • cherry-pick
  • fetch
  • pull
  • reflog

Feel free to check out her other visuals on‌

Check out my Telegram Channel

Dev stuff to read on commute
A resource hub for web development related stuff and others admin: @limxz97

‌Whenever I come across an interesting resource, I will post it on this Telegram channel, so check it out.