Computer Science
What happens when a Windows user tries to use as much CLI as possible
For the past week, I found many CLI replacements for GUI tools that I no longer enjoy.
Computer Science
For the past week, I found many CLI replacements for GUI tools that I no longer enjoy.
Extra Fundamentals
These are some links related to version control for my school's project team to read through.
Version Control with Git
Git is the dominant version control system today. Why did Linus Torvalds write it back in 2005, what were the problems he was trying to solve, how does it have such huge market share and what are some of its design considerations?
Extra Fundamentals
This post is a collection of bad practices from my school projects. You can read this to learn about bad practices or treat it as a comedy about the subpar standards displayed by some student developers.
It was a hectic school semester. Hope everyone is staying at home, staying safe and far away from other people. The only way we can beat this pandemic is to be together, apart. And now, back to the reading sources.
Version Control with Git
This is a guide for learning how to use Git in a responsible way with multiple users. It will show how having different branches can help to simplify merge conflicts.
Version Control with Git
In your day to day life writing software, having a program to manage your source code will save you a lot of pain.