Links since last time - 13 June 2020

Here are some of the interesting resources I came across these couple of weeks.

Links since last time - 13 June 2020

Here are some of the interesting resources I came across these couple of weeks.

The relationship between DevOps, Architecture and Continous Delivery

npm is joining Github

How to structure your NodeJS Project

Anatomy of a JavaScript/Node project.
Anatomy of a JavaScript/Node project. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
While the following structure is not an absolute requirement or enforced by the tools, it is a recommendation based on what the JavaScript and in particular Node community at large have been following by convention.

What is SCRUM by Atlassian

Scrum - what it is, how it works, and why it’s awesome
Scrum is a framework that helps teams work together. Much like a rugby team (where it gets its name) training for the big game, Scrum encourages teams to learn through experiences, self-organize while working on a problem, and reflect on their wins and losses to continuously improve.

What are JS Template Strings

Getting Literal With ES6 Template Strings | Web | Google Developers
Template String literals with embedded expressions. We've been waiting for this for ages. Literally
const output = 'hello'
console.log(`${output} world`); // 'hello world'

Nyan cat NodeJS Progress bar

Nyan cat progress bar in Node, why not? Contribute to kevin940726/nyan-progress development by creating an account on GitHub.

What is tree shaking

Reduce JavaScript Payloads with Tree Shaking | Web Fundamentals
Knowing where to begin optimizing your application's JavaScript can be daunting. If you're taking advantage of modern tooling such as webpack, however, tree shaking might be a good place to start!

Optimizing your JS build size

How long can a URL be?

What is a safe maximum length a segment in a URL path should be?
A lot of people are asking “What is the maximum length a URL can be?” but as far as I can see nobody is asking the question: What is a safe maximum length a segment in a URL path should be? I t...

A comparison of different CSS frameworks/resets

I came across this while looking at NormalizeCSS VS SanitizeCSS VS ResetCSS

ES2020 updates

What’s new in ECMAScript 2020 (ES2020)
Get up to date on some of JavaScript’s best proposals to be included in ES2020: Private Class Variables, Promise.allSettled, BigInt, Dynamic Import,...
  • Private variables
  • Nullish Coalescing Operator
  • Dynamic imports

What are Git SubModules

Git Explained: A Project Umbrella Structure Using Git Submodules
Oftentimes, a team of developers will be faced with the decision of implementing a Git structure to h...

ES6 classes - Samantha Ming

Classes in JavaScript
When I say ES6 Classes, you might go YAY 🎊 JS finally introduced a new object-oriented inheritance...

What are CSS Variables

CSS Variables: Why Should You Care? | Web | Google Developers
CSS variables, more accurately known as CSS custom properties, are landing in Chrome 49. They can be useful for reducing repetition in CSS, and also for powerful runtime effects like theme switching and potentially extending/polyfilling future CSS features.

Object.freeze - true immutable

Object.freeze() in Javascript🎈
I was reading a post here on which explained the difference between var, let and const by Sara...

Thinking in React

Thinking in React – React
A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

Axios VS Fetch

Both of them are API clients, but fetch is a browser API while Axios is a npm package.

Better Pull Requests with Rebasing

Rebasing a PR train does not have to be a pain
This one will probably be obvious for most of the readers, but I got this lightbulb 💡 moment only jus...

What are callbacks and how to use them?

What are Callbacks in Javascript and how to use them
What are Callbacks in Javascript and how to use them

CRUD - Create Update Read Delete explained

What is CRUD and how does it help me with my application?
(Originally published at Some concepts are not really hard to understand, but so...

Checkout my Telegram Channel

Dev stuff to read on commute
A resource hub for web development related content. Question of the Day All #QOTD are scheduled. They are bite-size (2-15 mins) random computer science or software dev knowledge (text / video), perfect over lunch everyday. admin:

Whenever I come across an interesting resource, I will post it on this Telegram channel, so check it out.